Design Principles


Church of Jesus christ
Church of Jesus Christ


The principle of Alignment explains that each element of the page must be in line with another element of the page, which makes us think about where to place each element and not leave its placement to chance.
On the Church page you can see that all the elements are perfectly aligned, this is even better seen when viewed on a wide screen. there you will see each image and other elements the perfect order and alignment.


BYU Pathway Worldwide
BYU Pathway Worldwide


The repetition indicates that we must use or repeat certain elements so that our designs have a pattern.
"Pathway" on its site uses the same shape, and the same fonts; which gives uniformity and a corporate look to its website.




Contrast is designing a distinct difference between foreground and background colors in order to enhance readability.
Clearly it can be seen that there is contrast on this website, in the image there are different colors between dark and light, there is also contrast between the size and type of font